Peggy in Athens, Greece.


Traveling, whether 1,000 miles from home or one mile from home, you’re bound to hear the familiar phrase —“Where are you from?” — sooner or later.

For some, this question is easier than others. I’ve lived around Italy, I was born in Togo.  I grew up in El Centro, California, less than ten miles from the Mexican border.  My family is from New York, and I studied and worked in San Diego, Pittsburgh, New York, San Diego, and Washington, D.C.

So, when someone asks me where I’m from, it is hard to choose one of the special places in my past.  When you live outside your country, or even just your hometown, the people you meet along the way become what ground you, connecting you to each of the places you’ve been, living proof that you were there. 

I created this blog to make a record of the stories and photos of the people and places that define my travels. I hope you will join in on these spontaneous experiences.

Please let this blog be your inspiration to take an extra vacation day, or go a little further on your next trip. 


  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Thanks for the like on my post that led me here…definitely looking forward to reading more of your adventures in Italy, a country I adore. My first trip was in 1980, a different era, but a great place to explore when you are young and female – I had so much fun! I’ll enjoy your travels from my armchair.

    • mfryan says:

      Yes, I think it must be quite a different place! And quite a long flight…I write just for that reason, for everybody who can’t make it here for whatever reason. Sometimes enjoying from the armchair is a better gig… 😉

  2. Ciao! Thanks for the follow! Happy to discover your lovely blog. Bologna is on my list of places to spend more time in. 20 minutes in the stazione while transfering trains is just not enough! Happy blogging and travels to you. 🙂

  3. Dalia Daud says:

    This is great! like you I love to travel! I love to learn different cultures and partake in experiencing life as much as I can, and I can see that you do too 🙂
    All the best in whatever you do, great blog!

    • mfryan says:

      Oh thanks so much for your sweet comment Dalia. 🙂 Yes, what would life be without traveling?? Nice to share passions with fellow photogs/bloggers… 🙂

    • mfryan says:

      Oh thank you Heather! The same for me – I’m so glad I found your blog. I was searching under a tag I don’t usually search with for a friend’s blog and yours came up! 🙂

  4. fais says:

    O Dont mind me 😛 be all means go ahead and revamp i am sure the outcome will be as beautiful if not better .
    P.S although not related but when u do ,, add your zodiac sign 🙂

    • Oh thanks for the comment and for stopping by – so appreciated! :)) Yes, I guess we are all different in our own way and it makes the world that much more interesting and worth exploring…;)

    • Oh, thanks for your sweet comment, Rusha! I really appreciate it. :)) I haven’t had much time to keep up with my blog lately, but I love reading other posts when I can, and am really looking forward to keeping up with yours. 🙂

  5. I can definitely relate to being the different one in the room! I was born one place, lived my childhood in another, and my teen years somewhere else – so I never had a home country, really. There are lots of plusses and minuses to that – still, I wouldn’t change a thing! 🙂

    • Thanks for your comment…it is so nice to commisurate on these things! The downside of moving around so much, for me, is the bit of loneliness that can come with it. I love meeting people like you because some of that loneliness goes away with the shared experience. What an interesting upbringing you’ve had! Thanks for sharing…

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